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Pole Pole Kilimanjaro is een luxueus uitgegeven hard-cover boek, geschreven en gefotografeerd door Rudy Dupont.

In 254 pagina’s, met 192 foto’s en een dag-per-dag beschrijving van de pittige beklimming van Afrika’s hoogste berg krijgen we een unieke inkijk op een berg-expeditie. Het handige formaat 20 x 25 cm laat toe de meest indrukwekkende foto's over twee pagina’s te spreiden. 

Kilimanjaro is één van de ‘7 Summits’, een wereldlijst met de hoogste bergtop op ieder continent.

We volgen de voorbereidingen van de trek, maken kennis met Moshi, de uitvalsbasis voor de trektocht in het Kilimanjaro National Park en beleven de ultieme beklimming, ‘s nachts en onder barre omstandigheden naar Uhuru Peak (de officiële naam van de top) op 5895 meter hoogte. Het is een verhaal vol emotie, met humor maar vooral met veel respect voor de natuur en het lokale team dat de expeditie van Rudy Dupont hielp realiseren.

De vele foto’s geven een duidelijk beeld van de diversiteit van de natuur op de hellingen van Kilimanjaro maar zijn ook een getuigenis van de globale  klimaatsveranderingen.  De indrukwekkende gletsjers die van de top neerdalen of de overblijvende ijsvelden in de kratermond nemen zienderogen af. Wetenschappers voorspellen dat tegen 2025 er geen permanent ijs of sneeuw meer op de Kilimanjaro zal aanwezig zijn.


Het boek verschijnt in het Engels en zal verdeeld worden via onlineverkoop op,, een selectie van onafhankelijke boekhandels, Standaard Boekhandels, en via gespecialiseerde outdoor winkels.










Verschijningsdatum: 6 December  2020
ISBN: 978-9082-9441-29
Wettelijk Depot: D/2020/15002/001
Uitgegeven door: TheScreenWorks
Auteur: Rudy Dupont

prijs: 40 euro - voorverkoop 35 euro

Uit het boek:

I am tempted to check my altimeter on my wrist to measure my progress in time or altitude gained but I am too bothered by the layers of clothing and my thick gloves.

Step, breathe, step.

Step, breathe, breathe, step.


High above me emerges a dark, steep ridge. I ask Joshua if this could already be Stella Point. He tells me we will have to climb one more hour. Better not to ask your guide how far or how long you still must climb. The answer is never what you want to hear. But I gladly gain every metre of altitude. 

Around 5 a.m., I reach the wide plateau of Stella Point. It is still dark, but a clear sky and a full moon create some visibility. Some other climbers have arrived before me and take a rest as well. Here rules an atmosphere of serenity and respect for this special place, not so far from the real summit. It is very quiet, and everyone enjoys the place in their own way, resting scattered on cold rocks and lava blocks. The silent presence of the other climbers who made it this far feels comfortable and safe.

Pole Pole Kilimanjaro is a luxurious hard cover book, written and photographed by Rudy Dupont.

In 254 pages, with 192 photos and a day-to-day account of the tough trek and climb up  Africa's highest mountain we are presented with a unique insight into a mountain expedition.  The handy format of 20 x 25 cm allows to print the most impressive pictures over a two-page spread. 

Kilimanjaro is one of the ‘7 Summits’, a global list with the highest mountain on each continent.

We learn about the preparations for the trek, explore the town of Moshi, the starting point for this expedition through the Kilimanjaro National Park and relive the ultimate ascent, starting during the night and under rough conditions up to Uhuru Peak (the official  name of the summit) at 5895 meter. This is a story full of emotions, humor but above all told with lots of respect for the nature and the local team that supported Rudy on his expedition.

The many pictures present a clear image of nature's diversity on the mountain slopes of Kilimanjaro but also testify of the global climatological changes. The impressive glaciers pushing down from the summit crater or the extensive ice fields are diminishing and disappearing at a fast rate. Scientist predict that by 2025 there will be no more permanent snow or ice fields on the top of Kilimanjaro. 

The book is published in English and will be distributed through online sales ( - - THIS VERY WEBSITE), a selection of specialist bookstores and outdoor stores or in Belgium through The Standaard Boekhandel and independent bookstores.











Date of release: 6 December 2020
ISBN: 978-9082-9441-29
Legal depot Belgium: D/2020/15002/001
Published by: TheScreenWorks
Author: Rudy Dupont

price: 40 euro - pre-sales on this website 35 euro

Exerpt from the book:

I am tempted to check my altimeter on my wrist to measure my progress in time or altitude gained but I am too bothered by the layers of clothing and my thick gloves.

Step, breathe, step.

Step, breathe, breathe, step.


High above me emerges a dark, steep ridge. I ask Joshua if this could already be Stella Point. He tells me we will have to climb one more hour. Better not to ask your guide how far or how long you still must climb. The answer is never what you want to hear. But I gladly gain every metre of altitude. 

Around 5 a.m., I reach the wide plateau of Stella Point. It is still dark, but a clear sky and a full moon create some visibility. Some other climbers have arrived before me and take a rest as well. Here rules an atmosphere of serenity and respect for this special place, not so far from the real summit. It is very quiet, and everyone enjoys the place in their own way, resting scattered on cold rocks and lava blocks. The silent presence of the other climbers who made it this far feels comfortable and safe.

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